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Code Review - Tips

1.     Check for all the warnings given on compiling of the code and try to remove the warnings
2.     Perform  Code analysis tool and check for the following
a.     Constraint Violators
b.     Redundancies in Code
c.      Redundancies in Symbol Declarations
d.     And most important – Solve the Compiler Error
3.     “null” check needs to be performed where every application to avoid Null Reference Exception error.
4.     Naming Conventions should be followed with all variables following Camel Casing , and Class names following Pascal Casing.
This rule helps in making Code better readable and this makes it more maintainable.
5.     Liskov substitution – Any derived class should not modify the behaviour of the Base Class.
6.     Code Reusability – Extract the piece of the code that is to be used multiple times and modularize the code. Developers when detect the requirements coming in are causing the code to get repetitive then the Generic methods should be introduced having this common piece of code which is then been used by other developers.
7.     Code Consistency – Variable type should remain consistent , so if something is defined as int then it should not become int32  in any other layer.
Use of Stringbuilder should  be promoted instead of String if string concatenation is present.
8.     Disposing of unmanaged objects - For the majority of the objects that your app creates, you can rely on the .NET Framework's garbage collector to handle memory management. However, when you create objects that include unmanaged resources, you must explicitly release those resources when you finish using them in your app. The most common types of unmanaged resource are objects that wrap operating system resources, such as files, windows, network connections, or database connections.
9.     Correct implementation of Exception Handling – try \ catch and finally blocks and logging the exceptions correctly.
10.   Code Writing Rules
a.     Avoid nested for / foreach loops and nested if conditions where possible.
b.     No function should have more than 30-40 lines. If the function code is increasing then it is advisable to break it in more methods.
c.      Try using LINQ queries and LAMBDA expressions to improve Code readability.
d.     Proper usage of var, object and dynamic keywords.
e.     Use of correct access specifier ie public, private, protected based on the need \ scope of the method , variable.
f.      Mark a class as sealed or static or abstract based on the need.
g.     Use Constants and readonly where required.
h.     Write correct and proper code comments.
