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Connecting SQL Server on Azure VM

Steps for configuring SQL Server connectivity in an Azure VM
The connection path is summarized by the following diagram:

Create a TCP endpoint for the virtual machine

In order to access SQL Server from the internet, the virtual machine must have an endpoint to listen for incoming TCP communication. This Azure configuration step, directs incoming TCP port traffic to a TCP port that is accessible to the virtual machine.
If you are connecting within the same cloud service or virtual network, you do not have to create a publically accessible endpoint. In that case, you could continue to the next step. For more information, see Connection Scenarios.
1.      On the Azure Portal, select Virtual machines (classic).
2.      Then select you SQL Server virtual machine.
3.     Select Endpoints, and then click the Add button at the top of the Endpoints blade.

4.      On the Add Endpoint blade, provide a Name such as SQLEndpoint.
5.      Select TCP for the Protocol.
6.      For Public port, specify a port number such as 57500.
7.      For Private port, specify SQL Server's listening port, which defaults to 1433.
8.      Click Ok to create the endpoint.

Configure a Network Security Group inbound rule for the VM

If you want to be able to connect to SQL Server over the internet, you have to configure an inbound rule on the Network Security Group for the port that your SQL Server instance is listening. By default, this is TCP port 1433.
1.      In the portal, select Virtual machines, and then select your SQL Server VM.
2.     Then select the Nework interfaces.

3.      Then select the Network Interface for your VM.
4.     Click the Network security group link.

5.      In the properties of the Network Security Group, expand Inbound security rules.
6.      Click the Add button.
7.      Provide a Name of "SQLServerPublicTraffic".
8.      Change Protocol to TCP.
9.      Specify a Destination port range of 1433 (or the port that your SQL Server Instance is listening on).
10.  Verify that Action is set to Allow. The security rule dialog should look similar to the following screenshot.

11.  Click OK to save the rule for your VM.
NOTE – If after these settings you are not able to access the VM through SSMS then please check whether Static IP is been set on the VM.
